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TCHPC/TCPP HPC Student Cohort (HPCSC) Applications: Conference Funding

The TCHPC and TCPP is accepting applications to the HPC Student Cohort (HPCSC). HPCSC will provide 12-16 travel awards to attend SC 2024 and IPDPS 2025. By funding multiple conferences, HPCSC aims to provide students with the opportunity for an extended engagement with the HPC community. HPCSC will be composed of students from diverse backgrounds, including undergraduates, masters, early-stage, and late-stage doctoral students.

Cohort members should commit to attending both conferences and are expected to attend events organized by the HPCSC committee at the conferences. Members of the cohort will be assigned to groups with the goal of maximizing diversity in each group. Before each conference, each group will work together to:
1) Submit a pre-conference self-reflection document.
2) Submit a post-conference report on their shared experience at the conference.

Visit the TCHPC site for additional information (You may need to scroll down).

Apply here

You will be expected to submit:

  • a two-page document listing future career goals, how you think being in the cohort can help you, and how you can help other members of the cohort.
  • a CV
  • a letter from an advisor that should clearly state that the student will attend both conferences as well as any additional/available funding sources that the student might get/apply to besides HPCSC

Application deadline: August 26, 2024 (AOE)
Award notification: September 27, 2024 (AOE)
Award Amount: $2500 for both conferences combined.

For questions/queries, send an email to

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